November 12, 2017
When many read commandments and the law of God in the Scriptures they quickly characterize God as “bossy†and Christianity as about nothing more than rules that must be followed. So how is it that the Psalmist can delight himself in the law of the lord and meditate on it day and night? Who would want to dwell so much on something so burdensome? Here are 4 benefits that God’s law gives us that lead us to delighting in the law of the Lord!...Read More
by: Thomas Dawsey
| Categories: Sermon Snapshots Tags: Jesus, sin, god, Southern Hills, round rock, grace, law, commandments
March 1, 2016
It's not an overstatement to say that Christianity hinges completely on what happened that first Easter morning. So what happened that first Easter morning? Did Jesus rise from the dead or do we celebrate a legend that grew out of control? Join us on Easter evening at 5pm as we dive into the story of that first Easter as we seek to uncover the truth, Easter: is it a fact or a fable?...Read More
by: Thomas Dawsey
| Categories: Holiday Tags: Jesus, baptist, Southern Hills, resurrection, easter, dead, truth, round rock, alive, 2015, Easter 2015, April 5, Fact, Fable, Legend
December 1, 2014
What is Christmas all about? If we hit the streets and asked this question what kinds of answers would we hear? Family? Generosity? Gifts? Unity? Peace? All of these answers are nice and would fit the scene of any TV programming this time of year, but they miss the mark don't they? My little 3 year old daughter, Avery, would remind us that Christmas is about Jesus' birthday. This is right of course, but isn't Christmas about something more, something vastly more significant? Yes! What we celebrate on Christmas is that the unthinkable has happened! Something incredible occurred on Christmas 2,000 years ago! On this birthday the Author of all of history stepped foot into His own story and became one of the characters. He Came! He came on a mission, a mission that gives us a true reason to celebrate and have hope that is unfading. Join us as we consider this grand reality and all of its gracious implications....Read More
by: Thomas Dawsey
| Categories: Series Introduction Tags: Christmas 2014, round rock, He Came, Incarnation
June 8, 2014
Major events in human history send ripple effects for generations, the resurrection of Jesus on the other hand creates tidal waves that will forever shape the future. How you respond to the resurrection will determine whether you are swept away by these tidal waves or you are able to ride them into eternal joy and glory. Over the next 8 weeks we will be considering the eternity altering implications of Jesus' resurrection with Paul as we walk through 1 Corinthians 15. The resurrection of Jesus was not simply a happy ending to a tragic story, it has literally changed everything and changes life for us in the here and now of life as well. We hope you will join us for this exciting study that will kick off on April 27, 2014....Read More
by: Thomas Dawsey
| Categories: Series Introduction Tags: Jesus, baptist, Paul, church, everything, Southern Hills, resurrection, round rock, changes, Implications, 1 Corinthians 15, 1 Cor 15
April 18, 2014
Easter is generally celebrated with eggs, candy and bunnies. All of this is great, but is there more? We believe that the truth of Easter holds the power to offer true hope. We believe that the truth of Easter changes everything! Because Jesus died and rose again from the grave EVERYTHING is different! ...Read More
by: Thomas Dawsey
| Categories: Easter Changes Everything Tags: Jesus, baptist, church, Southern Hills, resurrection, easter, truth, round rock, kids, hope, gift, Eggs, Candy, changes, different, more
December 27, 2013
As Christmas has passed us we are now looking forward to the New Year and with a New Year brings a new series that we will begin on December 29, 2013. Let us introduce our series with a quote from Winston Churchill......Read More
by: Thomas Dawsey
| Categories: Series Introduction Tags: Jesus, baptist, church, Southern Hills, round rock, witness, holy spirit, luke, acts, Mission, acts of the apostles, empower
October 4, 2013
Often when we are about to leave loved ones we make our final words to them important words. We remind them that we love them as we leave or as our wife leaves the house she reminds us of an important errand we need to run. When a manager leaves employees to run the store as he steps out he reminds them of work they need to take care of while he is gone. So what do we see from Jesus as He is leaving His disciples behind as He ascends back into Heaven? Listen to the final words of Jesus recorded in the Gospel of Mathew......Read More
by: Thomas Dawsey
| Categories: Series Introduction Tags: Southern Hills, round rock, baptist, church, Jesus, Follow Me, Commands, learn, live
July 26, 2013
Does life have a purpose? Is there a God? Why does God allow pain and suffering? Is Christianity too narrow? These are just a few of the questions we ask ourselves as we consider our place in the world and try to make sense out of life. These are some of the biggest questions we will ever wrestle with and thus we need to invest ourselves into finding answers. On September 8, 2013 we will be starting a new series called, "Explore God," where we want to look for answers from the Word of God to these questions. Our goal in this series is to engage Round Rock in a spiritual conversation that will help us find peace for our restless souls by allowing God to answer these life altering questions. Whether you are in Round Rock or a surrounding community come out and join us as we explore God...Read More
by: Thomas Dawsey
| Categories: Series Introduction Tags: Southern Hills, baptist, church, explore god, explore, god, Jesus, conversations, spiritual, round rock, austin, greater, questions, answers, rest, curious
March 15, 2013
With Easter being only a couple of weeks away we want to invite you to come and celebrate with us and take a moment to think about what Easter is really all about. The first thing that comes to mind for many when thinking of Easter cute bunnies or candy-filled eggs, but the truth is that Easter is about something infinitely bigger, it is about a Hero, THE Hero, who came to do what no one else could. Easter is an opportunity for us to remember that eternity's greatest Hero tasted death so that we might have life and we can have hope because of His victorious resurrection. Come and learn more about why Jesus is eternity's greatest Hero and celebrate the hope and the many promises this brings on Sunday March 31, 2013 at 6pm....Read More
by: Thomas Dawsey
| Categories: Holiday Tags: Southern Hills, round rock, baptist, church, Jesus, easter, 2013, hero, eternity, greatest, superhero, resurrection, death, cross, sacrificial, victorious, sin, gospel, god, love, forgiveness, reconcile, family, eternal life, heaven
January 1, 2013
Starting on June 9th we will be kicking off a new series called, "Changed by Eternity." The Bible has so much to say about eternity. As we read the words of Jesus, Paul and others we are constantly confronted with the fact that this life is not all there is. You were created for something bigger and better than anything this life has to offer. When we realize what God is offering us in eternity it not only offers us hope in this present life, but changes how we see everything else in our life. So with that being said, come and join us Sundays at 6pm as we learn about the life changing difference of eternity....Read More
by: Thomas Dawsey
| Categories: Southern Hills News Tags: Southern Hills, baptist, church, round rock, eternity, forever, changed
September 9, 2012
Over the next few months in Life Groups we will be studying what it means to pursue holiness in our daily lives. While thinking through this pursuit I have started to think about what should motivate us. Why should we run this race? Why should we pursue holiness on a daily basis? I believe we can find that answer as we look to Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith. The author of Hebrews shares why Jesus endured, even in the face of hardship and suffering....Read More
by: Thomas Dawsey
| Categories: Pursuing Holiness Tags: southern hill, round rock, baptist, church, hebrews 12:1-4, joy, delight, duty, Jesus, perfecter, author, faith, motivation, pursuit, pursue, pursuing, holy, holiness
August 23, 2012
In Bible Study on Thursday night (8.22.12) we talked through the importance and value of Scripture memorization or as our passage described it "storing up God's Word in our hearts." Now you might be wondering where you can start. What verses would be good to memorize? I have listed out some really great verses that could be really helpful as you seek to fight sin in your life, find joy in God, comfort others by sharing the hope we have in God, press on in your pursuit of Jesus and even share the Gospel with others....Read More
by: Thomas Dawsey
| Categories: Scripture Memorization Tags: bible, scripture, Southern Hills, round rock, bible study, memorize, memorization, hide, hidden, store up, treasure, God's Word
August 3, 2012
There are so many changes come about in the life of Southern HIlls. While it is sad to see some things go I know God has so much in store for us as we move forward....Read More
by: Thomas Dawsey
| Categories: Southern Hills News Tags: transition, bible study, Southern Hills, round rock, worship, service, family, church
July 29, 2012
As I recently read and studied Philippians 3 I saw the attitude that Paul carried that helped him live a Gospel-centered life. I saw what drove him to abandon all and pursue Jesus with all of His life. He saw Jesus as infinitely valuable. He saw everything else as trash by comparison. When he saw Jesus this way, everything in life was different. Nothing else in life could satisfy. He was going to pursue Jesus with everything b/c Jesus is everything. I want this attitude. I want to value Jesus this way. This is my prayer as I read Philippians 3. Join me in asking God to help me love and value Jesus in this way....Read More
by: Thomas Dawsey
| Categories: Praying Scripture Tags: Philippians, 3, Southern Hills, round rock, texas, Paul, Jesus, prize, treasure, value, joy, happiness, strengthen, prayer, pray, gospel, centered, grace, pursue, press
June 24, 2012
This is D.A. Carson's summary of the Bible in 221 words....Read More
by: Thomas Dawsey
| Categories: Bible Tags: bible, message, carson, desiring god, Southern Hills, round rock
May 28, 2012
Our second Preview Service is on Sunday July 1st at 6pm. So what is a Preview Service you ask? Let me fill you in......Read More
by: Thomas Dawsey
| Categories: Southern Hills News Tags: baptist, Southern Hills, church, round rock, new, preview, worship, service