Plan a Visit

Thanks for stopping by! Here is some information about us to help you know what to expect if you come visit.


When and Where does Southern Hills meet?

We meet every Sunday at 10am. Our address is 575 Round Rock West Dr. Suite J300, Round Rock, Texas 78681. 


What can I expect at a Sunday Service?

We hope that our services allow you to worship God, learn more about Him, grow in your faith and get to know people who love Him. Here are a few practical things that you may want to know:

  • Dress - We are a fairly casual church in regards to dress. Some come to church in slacks and a nice shirt and others come in shorts and sandals. We enourage you to dress how ever you are most comfortable coming to church. 
  • Music - We will worship God through music. We invite you to join us in singing songs that glorify God and remind us of our need for Him. Get a sample of some of the songs we sing - Click Here
  • Teaching - We will have a time of teaching. We will seek to know God more through His Word as well as find the application it has for our lives today.

  • Prayer - We will have times of prayer. We believe that prayer is important and we will take time to pray together as a church. 

  • Giving - We will worship God through giving back out of the abundance He has given us. This is a time for our regular attenders to give back to God as an act of worship. The offering is not an "admission fee" and we will make sure that our visitors do not feel any obligation to give. 


What can I expect for my kids?

We love children and we place a high priority on helping children grow in their relationship and understanding of God. During our service age appropriate classes are provided for children from ages three through sixth grade. The children are in the main gathering until the start of the sermon and then are dismissed to their class. There is also a nursery provided for children who are under the age of three for the entire service. 

The children's classes include music, lessons from the Bible as well as crafts and games to engage your children around God's Word.

We take the care of children very seriously and work hard to ensure that all of our teachers and workers are well qualified for their respective roles. 


Family Serivces - First Sunday of Each Month

The first Sunday of each month is slightly diffferent than other weeks. Here is what you can expect.

  • Children join the Main Worship Service - On the first Sunday of each month the children's classes will not meet and the kids will join their families in the main worship gathering. While we value age appropriate teaching we also think it is important for families to worship together and for kids to see their parents participating in worship through singing, prayer and hearing the Scriptures preached. (A nursery will still be available for ages 0-3)
  • Sharing of the Lord's Table - On the first Sunday of each month our worship gathering will include the sharing of the Lord's Table (Also called Lord's Supper or Communion).
  • Sharing of a Meal – We value fellowship and having time together. Following the worship gathering we will share a meal. Most of the time this will be potluck. We hope you will plan to stay.


How can I learn more about Southern Hills?

A great way to learn more is by exploring our website. You can read about us or listen to some of our sermons on podcast. Here are some links that may be helpful as you get started:


Southern Hills exists to glorify God by helping people experience life change through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.