Reading the Bible Together in 2023

As we start a new year we are using the same reading schedule that we used last year. This particular plan allows us to read through entire books from start to finish and also alternates between Old and New Testament. Several people have mentioned that this has been a helpful plan that has encouraged them to stay engaged throughout the year. 

Here's a summary of the plan:

The Book-at-a-Time Bible Reading Plan

The Navigators Book-at-a-Time Bible Reading Plan takes you through the entire Bible in one year, providing two readings for each day.

  • The first reading alternates between Old and New Testament books with the Gospels spread throughout the year. The second reading takes you through a chapter of the wisdom literature and Isaiah.

  • You can begin at any point of the year.

  • Each month consists of twenty-five readings. You’ll have a few extra days each month to meditate more deeply on something that was significant to you in the past week, to catch up on missed readings, or to revisit favorite passages.

  • If reading through the entire Bible in one year looms as too large a task, you can alter the plan to meet your needs. For example, you could read the first reading this year and the second reading next year.

We hope you will choose to participate! But if you don't use this plan, the most important thing is that you have a plan for reading God's Word consistently. The pace or plan is not as important as your commitment to learning and growing.

It is our prayer that 2023 will be a year when as a church we grow in our knowledge, understanding and application of the Scriptures. 

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