December 23, 2015
Each year during the Christmas season I spend several weeks wrestling with the glorious truth of the incarnation, and every year I come to the same conclusion, it's incomprehensible. Sure, I know the story, but each year I am reminded again of the unfathomable reality of the Christmas story. But we must keep trying. ...Read More
by: Matthew Breeden
| Categories: Holiday Tags: christmas, Incarnation, Jesus
December 1, 2014
What is Christmas all about? If we hit the streets and asked this question what kinds of answers would we hear? Family? Generosity? Gifts? Unity? Peace? All of these answers are nice and would fit the scene of any TV programming this time of year, but they miss the mark don't they? My little 3 year old daughter, Avery, would remind us that Christmas is about Jesus' birthday. This is right of course, but isn't Christmas about something more, something vastly more significant? Yes! What we celebrate on Christmas is that the unthinkable has happened! Something incredible occurred on Christmas 2,000 years ago! On this birthday the Author of all of history stepped foot into His own story and became one of the characters. He Came! He came on a mission, a mission that gives us a true reason to celebrate and have hope that is unfading. Join us as we consider this grand reality and all of its gracious implications....Read More
by: Thomas Dawsey
| Categories: Series Introduction Tags: Christmas 2014, round rock, He Came, Incarnation