Past Studies

Below are studies we have done together in Life Groups in the past...


 Prayer - Keller 100x150

Prayer (Keller)

killjoys  100x152

Killjoys (Desiring God)

 The God Who Is There  100x150

The God who is There (Carson)

 Screwtape Letters  100x150

The Screwtape Letters (Lewis)

Visual Theology - 100x124

Visual Theology (Challies)

 Mac Gen 1-11  100x150

Genesis 1-11 Bible Study (MacArthur)

 How People Change  100x150

How People Change (Tripp & Lane)

 Counterfeit Gospels  100x150

Counterfeit Gospels (Wax)

 Mac Romans  100x150

Romans Bible Study (MacArthur)

Maximum Impact  100x150

Maximum Impact (Mack)

Holiness of God  100x150 

The Holiness of God (Sproul)

 War of Words  100x150

War of Words (Tripp)

 Disciplines of Grace  100x150

Discipline of Grace (Bridges)

 Radical  100x150

Radical (Platt)

Forever  100x150 

Forever (Tripp)

Peacemaking for Families  100x150 

Peacemaking for Families (Sande)

Pursuit of Holiness  100x150

The Pursuit of Holiness (Bridges)