Biblical Counseling

We all know that life can be hard. Everyone has times when they need some help. At Southern Hills we are thankful that God, in His grace, has given us the Scriptures to help us in those difficult times. We believe that God's Word is up to the challenge of helping us handle life's difficulties (2 Tim 3:16-17). We also believe that God intends for us to encourage and help one another. God has given us the responsibility of helping one another grow to be His kind of people (Gal 6:1-2).

Many people think of counseling with negative connotations.  People think counseling is for those who are emotionally unstable or who can't help themselves. This is not the picture that the Scriptures paint. Counseling is something we experience all the time. We receive counsel from all kinds of people and places. We receive counsel from friends, TV shows, music, books, sermons, etc. The point is we all receive counsel or advice on how we should live life. The question is, who are we listening to? At Southern Hills we encourage people to use God's Word to find the answers to life. This is where our biblical counseling ministry comes in.

Biblical Counseling is more than "advice giving." Biblical Counseling seeks to apply the Scriptures to every day living. By doing this we hope to help others (and ourselves) live in a way that pleases God.

Please reach out to us if you have any questions or are looking for help.  Contact Us


Tags: Biblical Counseling, National Association of Nouthetic Counselors, NANC, Sufficiency of Scriptures