July 30, 2014
The life of Joseph shows us a picture of a man who is sinned against in some catastrophic ways that absolutely turn his life upside down. One of the most shocking elements of Joseph's life is how he is able to forgive the men who tried to kill him and sold him into slavery. We find ourselves struggling to forgive over far smaller issues in our lives. How was Joseph able to forgive these men? What was his secret?...Read More
by: Thomas Dawsey
| Categories: Cutting Room Floor Tags: forgiveness, Joseph, thomas dawsey, sovereignty of God
June 10, 2014
Adam and Eve, Noah and the Ark, Joseph and the coat of many colors, and David and Goliath. For many of us these are stories that we grew up with. We heard these stories from our parents and we learned them in Sunday school. Even if you didn’t grow up in a Christian home you can probably describe with some accuracy the Garden of Eden or identify Noah as the man in the picture who is loading animals onto a giant boat. These stories, and many others, have been passed down for thousands of years, they have stood the test of time. Generation after generation of parents have told their children the stories of Moses parting the Red Sea and of Daniel spending a night with a Den of Lions. But why? ...Read More
by: Thomas Dawsey | Matthew Breeden
| Categories: Series Introduction Tags: series, stories, Joseph, sermon, old testament, more than stories, adam and eve, noah, abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Esau, David, Goliath, Job