Jesus: The Culmination of History

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Have you ever had what seemed to be a golden opportunity to share the Gospel with others?

  • Maybe you were spending some time with your family and your uncle asked you what you believe about God.
  • Perhaps you were at work and a co-worker was sharing their heart and expressed how life had them down and they just needed some hope and asked you for your thoughts.
  • Maybe a neighbor asked you what is important to you or what you are passionate about in an effort to get to know you better.

I am sure we have all been blessed with those opportunities. The question is are you ready for them? What would you share? Do you have an idea or would you have the “deer in the headlights” look on your face? Would you give a cop out answer to avoid going deep about Jesus or would you be ready to step up to the challenge?

Tonight we find Paul in just such a situation. He is given a golden opportunity to share his heart for the Gospel and seeing his response and God’s work will help prepare us for when God opens up these opportunities for us.