Keeping Christ the Center of Your Family

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  • Date: Sunday, January 25, 2015
  • Speaker: Thomas Dawsey
  • Series: Stand Alone
  • Category: Philippians
  • Scripture: Philippians 3:1–3:16

If our goal as parents and a church family is to proclaim the Gospel to our children so that they may have the joy of knowing Jesus we are going to have to do far more than share words with them. We are going to have to live the Gospel, both in word and deed, towards them and towards others. We need to not only explain the Gospel, but we must model the Gospel. We need to show them what it looks like to have been changed by the Gospel. Our kids see right through us when we tell them something is important, but fail to live as if it is important in our lives.

  • It won’t work to say that there is nothing more important than Jesus in your life, but to never show your kids how to open up His Word to find answers for life and know Him more.
  • It won’t work to say that our faith is found in God, but to never run to Him in prayer.
  • It won’t work to say that we have found love and forgiveness in Jesus, but to consistently treat your wife or husband poorly in front of them or never seek their forgiveness when you sin against them.
  • It won’t work to say that there is no message or truth more important than the Gospel and to never share this truth or talk about this great news with the family on a weekly basis.
  • It won’t work to say that Jesus is our treasure while we spend our lives hoarding treasures in our homes rather than giving generously.

Our kids need to see that Jesus lies at the center of all things for us. They need to see us living out the Gospel while we speak it to them and Paul gives us great insight as to how we might keep Christ at the center of our lives in our passage.