Jacob, Esau, and the God of Sovereign Grace

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If you grew up in Sunday School you heard the story of Jacob and Esau. You heard about Jacob's tricks and Esau's weakness. You heard about the way their parents played favorites. The stories of Jacob and Esau are facinating as we see a trickster pull one over on his older brother then do it again with his dad. It makes for great flannelgraph, but if I were to ask you what the big point of this story was what would you say? Most don't remember. We don't remember b/c it wasn't taught to us. We focus on morality lessons from Jacob and Esau, but what this story reveals about God takes us to the deep end of the theological pool. A place where many are uncomfortable going. Tonight we are going to a place where none of us can reach the bottom of the pool as we look at the weighty issue of God's sovereign election. We will have an opportunity to understand why this doctrine was so important, why God wanted to reveal it through Jacob and Esau and some common misconceptions about it as well.