Abraham, Isaac, the God Who Provides

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We have the pleasure of considering the story of Abraham and Isaac. One of the most important questions that this story answers is “What does God want from us? Where does God want to fit in to our lives?” These are important questions for us to answer b/c we all juggle a lot in our lives, don’t we? We all have jobs, families, friends, hobbies, our kids have hobbies and sports teams, things we enjoy doing for entertainment… we could go on and on here as we think about the many things that fill up our lives and schedules. In the midst of all of this where does God fit in? Where does He want to fit in amongst all of this? I think often we have a pat answer that we give for this kind of question, we would say that God is the most important part of our lives, at least I think most of us here would, but do our lives match up with that? When the rubber of our actions meets the road of our life what does it look like? Do we live up to the big game we talk or do we just talk a big game?  (Gen 22:1-19)