Foundations for Endurance in Gospel Ministry - 2 Timothy 2:8-13
- Date: Sunday, March 5, 2023
- Speaker: Matthew Breeden
- Series: 2 Timothy - A Call to Gospel Faithfulness
- Category: 2 Timothy
- Scripture: 2 Timothy 2:8–13
- Tags: 2 Timothy, Expository Sermon, 2 Timothy 2:8-13
Extreme labor, frequent imprisonments, countless beatings and often close to death. This is the way Paul begins a description of his experience as a minister of the Gospel. He goes on to speak of being whipped, being beaten with rods, being stoned, being shipwrecked, being threatened, being hungry and without food. And that’s to say nothing of the emotional burdens.
This description from 2 Corinthians 11:23-28 should add weight to Paul’s appeal to Timothy to share in his sufferings. As Paul calls Timothy to greater Gospel faithfulness, he repeatedly reminds him of the necessity of suffering.
Why was Paul willing to suffer so much? Why would he call Timothy to this kind of suffering? In 2 Timothy 2:8-13 we get a look at what motivated Paul. Here he calls on Timothy to remember various aspects of Gospel and why it is worth suffering for.
Remember the Lord of the Gospel (2:8)
- The first thing Paul tells Timothy to do in order to encourage faithfulness is to remember Jesus Christ. This is more than a call to not forget. Paul is encouraging Timothy to fix his eyes on Christ and consider the significance of who He is and what He has done (Hebrews 12:2-3).
- Remember the resurrection of Christ – The first aspect of Christ that Paul tells Timothy to remember is the fact that He is risen. This is a reminder of the fact that Christ has been victorious and that His work is complete. It’s also a reminder of the blessed truth that just as Jesus is risen, all who believe in Him will also experience resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:13-20).
- Remember the person and promise of Christ – Paul reminds Timothy that Jesus is the offspring of David. This is a way of reminding Timothy that Jesus is the promised One and that God fulfilled His promises in Christ. It’s also a reminder of the humanity of Jesus and that as a man He was able to die in our place as our sacrifice.
- Application – If we are going to live the Christian life as God intends and fulfill our calling as Christians it will only be possible if we keep our eyes fixed on Christ. Without a clear and ongoing vision of who Jesus is and what He has done we will struggle to overcome sin, endure loss and grief, help others in their suffering or share the Gospel faithfully.
Remember the power of the Gospel (2:9)
- Bound as a criminal for the Gospel – In verse 9 Paul reminds us of his current state – he is a prisoner, a criminal, bound in chains because of his commitment to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
- The Gospel is not bound – The second thing that Paul wants Timothy to recognize and remember is that no matter what happens to him, the Gospel will continue to go forward. Paul endures what he does knowing that the message he is proclaiming cannot be stopped (Romans 1:16).
- Application – We are often tempted to focus on our limitations and the reasons why we are unfit to share the Gospel. This passage is a reminder that the power is not in us or in our situation. We should share faithfully and remember that God will use His Word – it is not bound or limited.
Remember the need for the proclamation of the Gospel (2:10)
- Enduring everything for the sake of the elect – Why was Paul willing to endure so much? He says in vs. 10, it is for the sake of the elect, which is to say: He does it all for the sake of those whom God will save.
- Faith comes by hearing – Paul knows that God’s plan for saving people is the sharing the Gospel. God’s plan is to use His people to share the message of salvation with others. It’s through this sharing of the Gospel that God will open ears and change hearts (Romans 10:17).
- Application – Knowing that God uses us to accomplish His plan of saving people should motivate us to faithfulness. Paul’s example is instructive: He was willing to endure all kinds of suffering so that others could hear and be saved. What kind of sacrifices are you willing to make so that others can hear and be saved? (2 Corinthians 4:7-12)
Remember the promises and warnings of the Gospel (2:11-13)
- A trustworthy saying – In verse 11-13 Paul provides a poem or a hymn that he encourages Timothy to consider. This hymn has two halves – the first half contains promises for those who are in Christ and the second half contains warnings for those who are not faithful to Christ.
- Promises for those who are in Christ – In verses 11-12a Paul reminds Timothy that those who are in Christ have the hope of eternal life and that they will reign with Christ (Rom. 6:3-4; Gal. 2:20; 1 Thess. 5:10). This should encourage Timothy to keep pressing on – knowing that there is great reward for faithful endurance.
- Warnings for those who deny Christ – In verses 12b-13 Paul reminds Timothy of the consequences of denying Christ and living without faith (Mt. 10:32-33). This should encourage Timothy to continue on in faith and also to share the hope of salvation with those who may otherwise be without faith.