The Cross Centered Dad

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The Scriptures teach that Fathers are to teach their children (Eph 6:4). There is so much that we, as fathers, are to teach our children. The most important thing we can teach our children is to live cross-centered lives. A cross-centered life is to live with Jesus and His Gospel in the middle. To live with Jesus as the center of our lives we have to value Him above all others (Phil 3). When we love Jesus everything is changed. Our conversations are changed, how we use our free time is changed, what makes us proud of our kids is changed, how we love our wives is changed, how we encourage our kids is changed, how we spend our money is changed, the motivation we provide our kids is changed. With true love for the Gospel at the center of our lives, everything is changed. Modeling this kind of love for Jesus will make you the kind of father God wants you to be. Tonight we will walk through Philippians 3:1-16 and learn what gets in the way of being a cross centered dad, what is at the heart of a cross centered dad, and what a cross centered dad looks like.

We will have a special gift for all men at Bible Study to help you live the cross centered life.

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