Psalm 19: God Has Spoken

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God has spoken. This is a reality that changes everything: The Creator God has communicated with us. In Psalm 19 David focuses in on the blessed truth of God’s revelation of Himself.

In the Psalm he describes two ways that God has spoken: God has spoken through creation and God has spoken through His Word. As we consider this truth there are a couple of natural questions: will we listen and how will we respond?

After listening to the sermon consider using this five day reading plan to further meditate on the content of the message. 

Monday: Psalm 19

Take time to read the Psalm that we considered on Sunday. The notes from the message are available on our website. As you read take time to thank God for how fully and how clearly He has revealed Himself to us. Read slowly and take time to praise God for creation and how it declares His glory (vs. 1-6). Pause for a few minutes and consider the numerous benefits that are given through the gift of the Scriptures (vs. 7-11). Finally, after allowing yourself to meditate on the ways God has spoken and revealed Himself, try using verses 12-14 as a prayer of response to God.

Tuesday: Romans 1

In Psalm 19 David explains how God has revealed Himself through creation – there is no one who’s excluded from hearing God’s universal announcement of Himself. However, in Romans 1 Paul explains that although God has revealed Himself universally, most of mankind has refused to listen and has rejected Him. Here’s how the chapter is organized: After introducing himself and greeting the Romans (vs. 1-13) Paul expresses his desire to preach the Gospel to all people (vs. 14-17). Although God has made Himself known in creation (vs. 19-20; Psalm 19:1-6) mankind has rejected Him and turned to worshiping created things (vs. 21-23). The result of this rejection is that God has allowed mankind to live out their wicked desires and experiences the consequences of sin (vs. 24-32). While the general revelation of God in creation is enough to show the existence of God, the solution for a restored relationship is only available through the Gospel, and this is the message that Paul lives to proclaim (vs. 14-17). As you read Romans 1 here are some questions to consider: Are you truly convinced of the sinful rebellion of all people and their fallen condition before God or do you tend to think that people are mostly good? Romans chapter 1 reminds us of our depravity. With the sinfulness of mankind in view, here’s a final question: do you truly believe that the Gospel can save anyone? Paul was confident in the power of the Gospel and proclaimed it unashamedly; we should also.

Wednesday: Romans 10

While Romans 1 describes the natural condition and rebellion of mankind, in chapters 2-8 Paul explains the good news, the Gospel of Jesus Christ. While we are born into sin and deserve the wrath of God there is hope; through the blood of Jesus we can be made right with God. In Romans chapter 9 Paul turns his attention to those whom he loves who have not accepted the hope of Jesus and in chapter 10 he again expresses his desire for their salvation (vs. 1-3). After making it clear that forgiveness is available through faith (vs. 4-13), Paul poses an important question: how will anyone hear this good news unless they are told? This reality means that we need to be bold with the Gospel (vs. 14-15). As the chapter ends Paul reiterates the fact that although the Jews have heard the message of the Gospel they haven’t accepted it and they remain in their rebellion (vs. 16-21). After reading this chapter here are two questions to consider: First, do you, like Paul, desire to see those around you trust Jesus? And second, how faithful are you to share the good news of the Gospel with others?

Thursday: 2 Timothy 3

In Psalm 19:7-11 David praises the character and benefits of God’s Word. He reminds us that God has spoken and that His Word is perfect, sure, right, pure, clean and just and that it can revive our souls, give us wisdom, bring us joy and open our eyes. In 2 Timothy 3 starting in verse 14 we have another great explanation of the benefits and power of the Scriptures. Start reading in verse 1 so that you get the context, but then slow down and really meditate on the final few verses of the chapter. As you consider verses 14-16 see if you can answer these questions: Who is the author of all of Scripture? What are some ways the Scriptures should be used in our lives? Why should we be committed to faithfully learning and applying the Scriptures?

Friday: Psalm 25

Read Psalm 25 in preparation for our service on Sunday. As you read ask yourself these questions: What does this Psalm teach us about God? What does this Psalm teach us about ourselves? Also, take time to write down questions that you have about the Psalm, then come on Sunday and listen for answers to those questions.